Essay Writing Competition 2023

Essay Writing Competition 2023
Organized by: China Bangladesh Friendship Center CBFC
Supported By: Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Bangladesh
Submission Date: 5th December, 2023
Submission Link:
About the Competition:
China Bangladesh Friendship Center (CBFC) is thrilled to announce the Essay Writing Competition as part of the grand celebration of “Fostering Bonds: CBFC’s 4th Anniversary, China-Bangla Friendship Blood Donation, Essay Writing, and Ambassador Award Night 2023.” “促进友谊:中孟友好中心四周年纪念,中孟友谊献血活动,作文比赛及2023大使奖之夜” This event aims to commemorate the strong and enduring friendship between China and Bangladesh while encouraging insightful reflections on the theme.
Essay Topic:
“China-Bangladesh Friendship, a friend in need is a friend indeed” – Explore, articulate, and celebrate the depth, essence, and significance of the enduring friendship between China and Bangladesh. Highlight the values, experiences, and instances that exemplify the adage “a friend in need is a friend indeed.”
Guidelines for Writing an Essay
1. Eligibility for Participation: The competition is open only to Bangladeshi students studying in China or Bangladesh (Bachelor and Masters Level only).
2. Word Limit: The essay must not exceed 2000 words. A variance of +/- [10%] is acceptable for completeness of sentences or meaning.
3. Originality:
The essay must be the participant’s own work and not previously published. Up to 10% plagiarism is acceptable.
– The participant must provide the source of accurate information in the references.
4. Language: The essay must be submitted in English. Proper grammar and spelling will be considered.
5. Submission Deadline: The deadline for submission is December 5, 2023. Essays submitted after the specified time will not be accepted.
6. Criteria for Evaluation: Essays will be judged based on creativity, relevance to the theme, writing style, and the validity of the sources. In this regard, the decision of the judges will be final.
7. Submission Instructions:
– The essay must be submitted in both PDF and Word formats.
– The file name must include the participant’s name and the title of the essay, contact details and a photo of the writer.
8. Publication: Selected essays will be published on our website and social media platforms.
10. Ineligibility: Participants who do not adhere to the rules and guidelines will be declared ineligible.
Rule Change: CBFC reserves all rights to change rules or schedules, and participants will be contacted in the event of such changes.